Thursday, August 8, 2013

This program is for Updating Status (Sending Tweet) and Uploading Image on Twitter.

Note: This Application directly uploads image to twitter. It does not require any 3rd party services like imgly, plixi, lockerz, twipple, twitgoo, twitpic, yfrog, mobypicture, posterous, etc.

Prerequisites for using Twitter in your App :
1. You must first register yourself at "" .
2. On the top right hand corner there is a drop down near your profile pic. Select "My applications" from the list.
3. Now click on "Create a New Application" and then fill the Application Details as per your requirement.
4. Now click on "Yes, I agree" and click on "Create Your Twitter Application".
5. After your Application is created on the site,  just open the "Settings" tab of the app and in "Application Type" select "Read, Write and Access direct messages". Also tick the "Allow this Application to be used to Sign in with Twitter".

6. Now click on "Update this Twitter's application settings".
7. Now click on Details as shown below and copy the Consumer key & Consumer Secret key. Also check if the Access Level for the app is same as shown below.

8. Now download the sample project source code from HERE.

9. Now extract the sample project you downloaded from the above link. In that open the folders                        "TwitterTestApp\src\com\arshad\twitter" then open "" file.

10. Now replace the values of "CONSUMER_KEY" and "CONSUMER_SECRET" with your app Consumer Key & Consumer Secret Key.

You are done now. Please run the code and let me know if you have any problem.